The Descent - 2005 | Story and Screenshots

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Turning a corner, they are attacked by one of the creatures. Sam is frozen with fear.

REBECCA: Sam, run!

Sam finally runs. Rebecca faces down with the creature with her axe. They slash at each other, but the creatures manages to pin down Rebecca.

However, Juno appears and stabs this creature in the back with her pick-axe, it squeals in pain, crumpling to it's knees trying to pull out the axe. Juno walks up to it from behind and twists it's neck, killing it. She retrieves her axe from it's back. Rebecca is grateful and hugs Juno.

REBECCA: Oh, we heard you crying for Sarah. . . Where are the others?

JUNO: They-- They took Holly. . . Beth. . . Beth's dead.

Out of anger, Sam kicks the dead creature.

JUNO: Sam, what is that thing?

SAM: I don't know. Well, it does look human.

REBECCA: Come on! We need to find the way out before those things find us.

JUNO: No. Sam, tell us what we're fighting.

SAM: Well, they're totally blind. And judging from what we've seen, they use sound to with, like a bat. And they've evolved perfectly to live down here in the dark.

JUNO: Whatever they are, they go to the surface to hunt. And they bring their food back down here to eat, through an entrance. Listen, if we can stay quiet enough and evade these fuckers, I think I found a way out.

REBECCA: You think?

JUNO: The climbing gear we found. Whoever brought that down here, marked their route. I found those markings.

SAM: What are we waiting for?

JUNO: Sarah. . . I'm not leaving without Sarah.

Sarah is exploring further into the feeding pit when she hears a gasp and an arm rises into the air.

BETH: Sarah!

SARAH: Oh, God.

There's a mutilated animal carcass over Beth. She heaves it off. Blood is gushing out of Beth's mouth.

SARAH: Oh, God, no!

BETH: Sarah, run

SARAH: I'm getting you out of here.

BETH: Don't touch me.

SARAH: I heard Juno calling me. I'm gonna go find her. And we're gonna come back, and we're gonna get you out.

BETH: No. Stay away from her.

SARAH: What?

BETH: She did this to me.

SARAH: What?

BETH: She left me.

SARAH: No, she didn't. No.

BETH: Don't trust her. You find your own way out.

SARAH: It's okay. It's all right. I'm not gonna leave you, Beth. I'm not gonna leave you. I'm not leaving you here. Okay? Come here. Beth!

She tries to pull her hand which reveals Juno's necklace.

SARAH: It's Juno's.

BETH: It's from Paul.

SARAH: Oh, no.

Sarah wipes away the blood, it reads 'Love Each Day.'

BETH: Sorry.

They both hear the sounds of the creatures approaching.

SARAH: Oh, it's them. Please come with me. Beth, please!

BETH: Don't leave me like this. Please.

SARAH: Oh, please don't ask me to do that. I can't. I can't do that. I can't do that!

BETH: Please. . . Please.

SARAH: Shh. Close your eyes.

Sarah picks up a large rock and drives it down on Beth's head. A few moments of silence and then suddenly a creature jumps on Sarah's back.

It appears to be a child-like creature. Sarah head butts it and the small creature falls to the ground. It rises up, Sarah drives a foot into its head multiple times, killing it.

Within moments, another creature appears, this one apparently a female with long hair and distinct breasts and also apparently the small creature's mother. See sniffs the child creature, realizing he has been killed. The female creature looks up towards Sarah with a look of rage. Sarah runs out of the feeding pit and falls into a pool of blood, fleshy remains, and bones.

For a few moments, it appears she has drowned, but then we see a bubble of air surface to the top. Then more bubbles. Sarah's head slowly rises above the surface of the blood pool. She looks around and quietly makes her way to the edge of the pool.

As she tries to climb out of the blood pond, Sarah is attacked by the female creature. Though the creature has her pinned down, Sarah manages to reach a nearby canine-like bone and stabs the female creature through the eye, killing her.

A male creature then arrives, failing to detect Sarah's presence as she lies motionless beneath his feet. The creature moves on as Sarah quietly grabs a large bone. She stands up ready to strike. The creature turns back to her and with a mighty swing, whacks it on the side of it's head. When it collapses, Sarah drives another blow to its head, crushing its skull.

She picks up the torch and holding the bone, she strikes a pose like a conquerer. Traumatized and bloodied, Sarah lets out a blood-curdling scream. Juno, Rebecca, and Sam hear Sarah's scream.

JUNO: Sarah!

REBECCA: She' dead, Juno! We can't wait for her!

SAM: Come on!

As they scramble through tunnels, Sam gets too far ahead.

REBECCA: Come back!

Juno is trailing at the end and stops when she hears a noise.

JUNO: Sarah?

She flashes the light behind her and sees several creatures encroaching.

JUNO: Run!

Juno races to catch up with Sam and Rebecca. Sam, still in the far lead, comes to another precipice. She kicks a rock and just like the other precipice, it too takes several seconds before we hear it hit. Though she knows she is too short on rope, she tries to establish another rope-pulley system to get across.

SAM: Oh, fuck!

She clings to the ceiling of the cave and makes the first anchor. Meanwhile, Rebecca and Juno follow the arrows scratched in the stone to find Sam.

REBECCA: Oh, fuck!

JUNO: Don't stop! I'll be right behind you!

Sam seems to be making progress when she looks down and sees her bloodied hands. Rebecca and Juno finally show up.

JUNO: Sam, what are you doing? . . . Come back! . . . You haven't got enough rope! Sam, turn around! What are you doing? Turn around!

REBECCA: Sam, baby! Sam, turn around. You can come back. Please baby, listen to me. Please!

Sam refuses, and then suddenly she's looking point blank into the eyes of a creature, who had scaled the cave ceiling. Sam pulls out her knife as the creature charges.

REBECCA: Don't do it!

The creature swipes at her, causing a large gash across her throat.

JUNO: Sam!

With a last effort, Sam hops onto the back of the creature and drives her knife into it.

The creature falls into the water below as Sam's body goes limp. Blood draining from her throat. The two women are given no time to mourn when another creature grabs Rebecca by the feet and drags her out of the tunnel.

A creature pounces on top of her and rips open the screaming Rebecca's stomach and throat, killing her.

Cornered at the edge of the precipice, Juno jumps down. Juno lands in a large pool of water at the bottom. Underwater, the creature awaits Juno, but she uses Rebecca's knife to kill it.

Juno climbs up the slippery walls, but she loses her grip and begins to fall again. Suddenly, a hand grabs her, pulling her up. It turns out to be Sarah.

Sarah is now bloodied and nearly silent, looking upon Juno with poorly-disguised scorn for harming Beth.

JUNO: What happened to you?

SARAH: Rebecca? (Juno shakes her head, no) What about Beth?

JUNO: Didn't make it.

SARAH: You saw her die?

Juno nods yes.

SARAH: Come on.

Juno and Sarah run off, still looking for an escape. Coming into a cavern, they realized they are surrounded by more creatures.

JUNO: Come on. Come on.

When the creatures close in, a violent struggle ensues. Juno and Sarah each kill a creature with their pick-axes, but are disarmed by a second wave of attacking creatures.

Sarah kills her attacker by gouging out his eyes, while Juno kills the other by stabbing him through the throat with Sarah's flaming torch.

After the fight, a tense stand-off with the pick-axes occurs between Juno and Sarah. Sarah then reveals Juno's necklace.

Momentarily distracted by the sound of more creatures coming near, Juno is stabbed through the leg by Sarah's pick-axe. Just as Juno left Beth to die, Sarah leaves Juno to die.

As she runs off, Sarah hears the sounds of the creatures attacking Juno and Juno screaming.

Sarah runs into a side cavern and finds it full of bones. At the top of the cavern, daylight peeks through.

Sarah frantically climbs to the light and pulls herself up into the woods above, blinded by the daylight.

Now maniacal, Sarah runs back to the cars and takes off in one of them.

Driving off back down the country roads they had come in on, Sarah is startled by the bloodied figure of Juno appearing in the passenger seat.

Shifting her head, Sarah realizes that she's still in the cavern and that her escape was a fantasy. The cavern actually is a dead-end.

To comfort herself, Sarah fantasizes about her daughter Jessica giving her the birthday cake again.

As Sarah drifts off in her own mind, the sounds of the creatures draw nearer.


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