The nude nurse also succumbs by having her face repeatedly dunked and scalded to death in the 130 degree water. A close-up of her blistered face ends the scene. Meanwhile as she sleeps, Laurie is experiencing flashback dreams about her childhood, in which her adoptive mother Mrs. Strode (Pamela McMyler) tells her: "I'm not your mother." As a young girl (Nichole Drucker), she had a glimpse of her young brother Michael (Adam Gunn) sitting in an institution.
On the other side of town, Dr. Loomis and the Haddonfield police investigate a break-in at the local elementary school, where they find a butcher knife stuck in a desk. (It is knifed through the body of one of the stick-figure children in the family drawing. Loomis remarked: "Sister"). They also discover the word Samhain scrawled in bloody capital letters on the chalkboard. Loomis explains the Celtic word: "It's a Celtic word. 'Samhain.' It means the Lord of the Dead. The end of summer. The Festival of Samhain. October 31st."
Dr. Loomis is called aside by a colleague, his assistant Nurse Marion Chambers (Nancy Stephens) from the Sanitarium, and is told that Dr. Rogers from the Sanitarium and the governor have ordered him away from Haddonfield, but Loomis refuses to return to Smith's Grove. Loomis has no choice - he is to be escorted by a Marshal (John Zenda) waiting in a car outside.
When Laurie is found unresponsive (due to a reaction to her medication) in her hospital room bed by Jimmy, Nurse Janet Marshall (Ana Alicia) hurriedly runs to physician Dr. Mixter's office to summon him. In his dark inner office in front of an aquarium, she finds Dr. Mixter dead with a syringe stabbed into his eyeball. As Nurse Janet backs up in stunned shock, Myers grabs her from behind and inserts a hypodermic syringe into her temple - she collapses to the floor.
When there is no immediate emergency help forthcoming, Jimmy rushes to the Ladies Lounge to locate Nurse Mrs. Alves, but can't find her or Budd. The Shape continues to pursue and stalk Laurie. In her room, he stabs at her bed with a scalpel, but found he was only stabbing at pillows. Laurie had wisely left her room and limped to another room.
Blonde nurse Jill Franco (Tawny Moyer) also can't locate Mr. Garrett or Laurie -- and joins with Jimmy to find out where everyone had disappeared.
In one of the hospital's operating rooms, Jimmy finds Mrs. Alves strapped to an operating table and stabbed in the arm with an IV syringe - she had been drained of her blood.
When he turns to leave the room, he slips and falls on the wet bloody floor and is knocked unconscious. When Nurse Franco keeps looking for others and can't find anyone, she flees to her car to alert authorities. But she finds that her car has been sabotaged (it wouldn't start, it leaked oil and had a flat tire) and she is unable to drive away, so she races back into the hospital. In the corridor, she spots Laurie (again on the move but limping badly), and then is stabbed in the back with a scalpel.
Myers holds her up by the scalpel stuck into her spine, lifting her off her feet into the air (her shoes drop to the floor), while Laurie watches the horrific murder.
Laurie then whimpers and flees down another corridor, down some stairs, and into a basement furnace room, where she sees Garrett's body strung up.
As Michael slashes at her, she crawls through an upper window into another storage room, escaping in a freight elevator to the ground floor, and eludes him by running outdoors. She cowers in the front seat of a parked vehicle in the parking lot.
On their way out of town in the Marshal's car, Loomis tells Nurse Marion Chambers more background about the word Samhain - a Druid ceremony of ritualistic elimination and sacrifice: "In order to appease the gods, the Druid priests held fire rituals. Prisoners of war, criminals, the insane, animals were burned alive in baskets. By observing the way they died, the Druids believed they could see omens of the future.
Two thousand years later, we've come no further. Samhain isn't evil spirits. It isn't goblins, ghosts or witches. It's the unconscious mind. We're all afraid of the dark inside ourselves." She then tells Loomis about a secret sealed Myers file which revealed that Laurie Strode was actually Myers's sister - confirming Laurie's flashback dreams. "She was born two years before he was committed.
Two years after, his parents died and she was adopted by the Strodes. They requested that the records be sealed in order to protect the family." Loomis is fearful of Myers' intentions in Haddonfield: he is there to kill his second sister. He orders the Marshal, at gunpoint (after firing one warning shot), to drive to the Haddonfield Hospital in order to attempt to save Laurie.
Laurie realizes she is in Jimmy's car when he returns, but after he can't start it, he passes out. She crawls from the car on the concrete as the Marshal's car pulls up, but is unable to scream loud enough to attract their attention. She screams for help at the front door - with Myers in slow pursuit, and is let in. The Shape walks directly through the glass door, prompting Loomis to fire five shots [he empties his gun] into the figure. As the Marshal peers over at the 'dead' corpse, Myers murders the Marshal by slitting his throat with a scalpel.
Michael then pursues Dr. Loomis and Laurie, and corners them in an operating room, where he breaks down the door and stabs and mortally wounds Loomis in the stomach with a scalpel, when the doctor's gun clicked empty. Laurie briefly stops the killer's approach to her by calling him by name: "Michael?"
With a second gun, Laurie shoots the unstoppable, seemingly-indestructible homicidal killer in each of his eyes with the last two remaining bullets - causing the killer to weep and bleed red tears down the front of his mask.
The blinded killer slashes around wildly as both Loomis and Laurie release oxygen and ether gases from tanks in the room and Loomis ignites the fumes with his cigarette lighter ("It's time, Michael"), causing a self-sacrificing explosion as Laurie escapes.
Surviving the explosion, the battered and bloodied Laurie hides behind a cabinet in the burning hall.
Covered in flames, Michael struggles toward Laurie before finally collapsing in the corridor.
His mask slowly melts from his burning face. But was he conclusively dead?. In the film's conclusion the next overcast morning (November 1), Laurie is wheeled to an ambulance for transfer to another hospital, as she replays in her mind the burning of Michael's mask - to the tune of "Mr. Sandman."