
Alien Franchise

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RIPLEY: Transmission? . . . Out here?

LAMBERT: What kind of transmission?

DALLAS: Acoustical beacon that repeats identicals of 12 seconds.


DALLAS: I don't know.

RIPLEY: Human?

DALLAS: Unknown.

BRETT: So, what?

PARKER: I hate to bring this up, but this is a commercial ship, not a rescue ship.

BRETT: Right.

PARKER: It's not in my contract to do this kind of duty. . . And what about the money, if you give me some money, I'll be happy to.

DALLAS: Parker.

PARKER: Let's go over the bonus situation. Can we talk about the bonus?

ASH: I'm sorry, can I say something? There is a clause in the contract that specifically states any transmission indicating a possible intelligent origin must be investigated.

PARKER: I don't want to hear it.

DALLAS: (raises voice) Parker, will you just listen to the man!

ASH: With penalty of total forfeit of shares . . . no money.

DALLAS: You got that?

PARKER: (laughs) Yeah.

DALLAS: Allright, we're going in.

PARKER: (turns to Brett) Yeah, we're going in, aren't we.

INT. BRIDGE: All but Parker and Brett have gathered to listen to the signal Mother has detected. Lambert sits at a console to patch it in.

DALLAS: Can we all hear that, Lambert?

Lambert works some controls and the signal audio comes thru the overhead speakers. It's a strange oscillating synthetic sound recognized by no one.

KANE: Good God!

RIPLEY: Doesn't sound like any radio signal I've heard.

LAMBERT: Maybe it's a voice.

DALLAS: Well, we'll soon know. Can you home in on that?

LAMBERT: What was the position?

DALLAS: Six five five zero, dash nine nine.

Lambert punches in the numbers, waiting for a read out.

LAMBERT: Allright, I found the quadrant. Ascension, six minutes twenty seconds. Declination, thirty nine degrees, two seconds.

DALLAS: Okay, put that on the screen for me.

A monitor activates and an image of outer space appears behind an electronic grid.

LAMBERT: Allright, well that's it. It's a planetoid. Twelve hundred kilometers.

KANE: It's tiny.

DALLAS: I need rotation.

LAMBERT: About two hours.

DALLAS: What about gravity?

LAMBERT: Point eight six.

ASH: You can walk on it.


INT. BRIDGE: The crew are at their stations. The crew strap themselves to their seats. Much preparation for separation, etc.

ASH: Equatorial orbit nailed.

EXT. NOSTROMO: Moving within range of the planet.

DALLAS: D.O.R. is on line.

RIPLEY: How's the status on the lifter?

DALLAS: Give me an EC pressure reading.

ASH: 48 seconds and counting.

DALLAS: Prepare to disengage from platform.

INTERCOM: 12 . . . 11 . . . 10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 7 . . . 6 . . .

DALLAS: Disengage.

Dallas hits appropriate switches.

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