Hannibal - 2001 | Story and Screenshots

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Chistofle, later: Lecter is seen in an elegant Kitchenware shop. Lecter points out to a saleswoman the Gien French china he'd like to purchase. Later, the clerk rings up several purchases as Lecter looks on, credit card out:

The plates, a set of aperitif glasses, a set of exquisite copper saute pans, a couple of whisks, Riedel crystal, linen place mats, napkins, a large clock, a portable 35,000 BTU stainless steel grill, and 19th-century silverware with a pleasing heft like good dueling pistols.

And finally, to complete his batterie de cuisine, we see Lecter at a hospital, he has stolen a doctor's white overcoat. He steals a Stryker autopsy saw, other surgical tools, and a wheelchair.

Chesapeake Bay: A light-blue pickup truck pulls into the driveway of a small yet charming cottage nestled in the woods. Lecter climbs out and gathers his purchases from the truck bed. He fiddles with the lock to get it open and disappears inside.

Starling's House: Silent. Still. Then the lock turning in the front door. It opens. Starling, looking weary, carries in a cardboard box, her things from her desk at "the office," no bigger than Brigham's was. Lots of free time for her now, she decides to turn her focus on house chores. As she is cleaning the inside of a kitchen cabinet, she listen to the tapes of Lecter. . .

BARNEY'S VOICE:: I think she's nice. She's always been nice to me. Polite. Don't you think?

LECTER'S VOICE: Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney?

Later, she pours herself a neat Jack Daniels to the accompaniment of Lecter's voice. She carries the drink to the living room, lies down, hasn't bothered to turn off any lights. Drinks as the tape continues . . .

LECTER'S VOICE: Roller pigeons climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can't breed two deep rollers, or their young, their offspring, will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. Let's hope one of her parents was not.

Starling is asleep now, still in her clothes, her drink set on the arm chair. A shadow of a figure floats through the house and turns out the light in the living room.

A masculine hand reaches down and removes the drink. It's Lecter. He gently brushes her hair, studying her. Lecter moves on and disappears.

We see an open magazine with an image of a Gucci model. A torn out clipping of Starling's head rests as a replacement to the model's head.

Some time later, the phone rings. Starling wakes in the same position she fell asleep. In front of her is the drink glass, now on the table. She sits up enough to see the magazine. He's been in her house. Right here as she slept. The phone continues to ring. She walks over to answer the phone.


LECTER'S VOICE: The power on that battery is low, Clarice. I would've changed it, but I didn't want to wake you. You're going to have to use the other one. In the charger. Hopefully the light on it is green by now.

The charger is right in front of her and the light on it is green - fully charged.

LECTER'S VOICE: Because this is going to be a long call and I can't let you off, because even though you've been stripped of your duties, I know you wouldn't abandon them, you'll try to put on a trace. So we'll disconnect long enough for you to exchange the battery in the phone for the one in the charger. Shall we say - three seconds? Are you ready?



It looks like changing the clip in a gun - the low battery falling away from the body of the phone into her hand, the charged one slapped in its place in just over two seconds. She hits the power button. The LCD display lights up and beeps. She's fast, rushing to a closet, opens a box containing Brigham's guns and ID. The phone rings, she answers.

LECTER'S VOICE: Very good.

STARLING: Thank you.

She slams a clip into the .45

LECTER'S VOICE: Remember Clarice, if you get caught with a concealed, unlicensed firearm in the District of Columbia, the penalty is pretty stiff. But, bring the guns if you have to. Now get in your car.

Starling's Mustang: Starling doesn't notice a van parked down the street. When she takes off, the van follows. She's in the far right lane of a highway. Keeping just under the speed limit. The cell phone rests atop the open ashtray.

LECTER'S VOICE: The reason we're doing it like this, Clarice, is because I'd like to watch you as we speak. With your eyes open. No, it does not excite me, it pleases me. You have very shapely feet. . . . Where are we now? Call it out.

STARLING: Massachusetts Avenue.


She veers onto the ramp without a signal. The van, several lengths back, takes the exit, too.

LECTER'S VOICE: I thought, to begin with, you might tell me how you're feeling.

STARLING: About what?

LECTER'S VOICE: The masters you serve and how they've treated you. Your career, such as it is. Your life, Clarice.

STARLING'S VOICE I thought we might talk about yours.

LECTER'S VOICE: What's the next cross street?

STARLING: Capital Street.

LECTER'S VOICE: In two blocks, make a left into Union Station. Park.

LECTER: My life? What is there to say about mine? I have been in a state of hibernation for some time, a little inactive. But now I'm back home and very happy, and very healthy. You though, it's you, I'm worried about.

STARLING: I'm fine.

LECTER'S VOICE: No, you're certainly not fine, Clarice.

Union Station: As we watch the van follow Starling closely, our view pans to Lecter sitting in the truck. He continues talking to her as he gets out of the truck. He has an ear plug connected to his cellphone.

LECTER: You fell in love with the Bureau - The Institution - only to discover, after giving it everything you got - that it doesn't love you back. That in fact, it resents you. It resents you more than the husband and children you gave up to it. Why is that, do you think? Why are you so resented, Clarice?

STARLING: Tell me.

She exits her Mustang. We see a sidewalk musician playing a trumpet. Lecter walks by him and drops money in his hat.

LECTER (to musician): God bless you.

Lecter makes his way to the Union Station entrance and enters.

LECTER: Tell you? Well, isn't it clear? You serve the idea of order, Clarice, they don't. You believe in the oath you took, they don't. You feel it is your duty to protect the sheep, they don't. They don't like you because you're not like them. They hate you and they envy you. They're weak and unruly and believe in nothing.

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Resource Credits: imdb.com

Screenplay by Steven Zaillian. Based on the novel by Thomas Harris. Production draft, February 9, 2000.











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