The Grudge - 2004 & The Grudge 2 - 2006 | Story and Screenshots

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Two years later: Allison (Arielle Kebbel) is a new student at the international high school in Tokyo, where she meets popular students Vanessa (Teresa Palmer) and Miyuki (Misako Uno). Allison is desperate to make friends so she tries to talk to them, despite Miyuki thinking that Allison has been at their school for only three weeks and Vanessa laughing at her uniform.

They eventually decide to take Allison to the Saeki House in order to play a prank on her. While there, Allison and Vanessa head upstairs but Miyuki sees the bath where Toshio was drowned and backs away as something sinister stirs submerged. Vanessa then tells Miyuki to follow her upstairs, Miyuki wants to leave but Vanessa then accuses her of befriending Allison and Miyuki chooses to keep her popularity by doing what Vanessa says. The two girls tell Allison of the Saeki murders and convince her to enter the closet Toshio's body was stored.

They lie to her claiming they have been the only girls brave enough to enter. Allison, thinking that if she does what they say then they will become her friends, enters the closet. Allison looks down and notices the open diary. The two other girls force the door closed while she is inside. The idea was to take a picture of Allison's frightened face and show their fellow classmates, humiliating her.

After Allison screams, the other girls try to open the door but can't as a mysterious force seems to be holding it shut. As Allison tries to free the door from the inside, she gasps with fright when she see Toshio who sounds out his familiar cat squeal. They all get quiet when they hear low rumbling creaking noises above them.

Allison's eyes are locked on the open attic panel above, her panic is escalating. Then Kayako emerges from the attic. Allison screams in horror and Vanessa runs from the house, Miyuki close behind.

Allison manages to escape from the closet and standing before her is a vision of Eason, suggesting that the victims touched by the Grudge, their timelines overlap.

Allison races downstairs to the foyer and then pauses, sensing something. Behind her and on the second level, is Toshio. She doesn't dare turn to look and bolts out of the house.

Later, Allison is in class when she feels Toshio's cat brushing between her legs. She then senses human hands on her thighs. Pushing her supplies forward on her desk, she peers under her desk to find Toshio curled in a ball at her feet.

As she jumps up, she realizes that he is not there, causing her to be embarrassed in front of her fellow classmates. As she sits down, she notices Toshio's cat proceeding to a very exhausted looking Miyuki sitting at her desk, Miyuki feels the cat touch her but doesn't make a large scene about it and the two then exchange nervous glances.

After they return to school, all three girls deal with hauntings from Toshio, his cat, and Kayako. After gym class, Vanessa humiliates Allison in front of the other girls about taking a trip to the school shrink. As Allison leaves, Vanessa begins taking a shower in which Kayako haunts Vanessa in a fashion similar to the somewhat iconic scene in The Grudge. Vanessa then sees a ghostly image of Kayako in the locker room that frightens her, causing her to urinate on herself.

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Resource Credits: wikipedia.org, imdb.com











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